freecccam for skybox/openbox

"" works fine
send me your ip mp,
there are over 100 ip banned because of reshare
currently a cline/day bloqued by ip,
every day you can regener your cline
the reshare is prohibited
very soon there will be a new system for cline/week, cline/month, cline/year
Cline reçue en MP (très rapide...)
serveur on 100%, zap rapide, chaine HD OK.
J'aurai bien voulu vous dire le nombre de cartes, mais je ne sais pas comment fait-on avec l'openbox.

Merci beaucoup pour le partage.

Merci pour le partage longue vie au serveur
Yes it's a very good server for skybox/openbox. All channels are good :cl16:

but i have some freeze with Planete + HD et Bein sports HD1 et Bein sports HD2 . Thanks for your server