ez server iptv panel 64bit

problème installation
nohup: appending output to ânohup.outâ
salut non c est bon fait un top et tu regarde y devrai être lancer :)
ouvre putty tu tape top tu regarde si ye bien lance ezserver


http://ton ip du server :18000/admin/index.htm


j'ai trouver ezserver apres top mais quand je tape
http://xxxxxx :18000/admin/index.htm

La connexion a échoué

- - - Mise à jour - - -

[0000000021]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000022]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000023]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000024]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000025]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000026]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000027]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000028]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000029]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000030]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000031]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000032]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000033]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000034]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000035]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000036]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000037]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000038]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
[0000000039]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=8 errno=[98]
[0000000040]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [8000], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>
EZserver Message [00002]: Error: EZserver is not available
[0000000041]: Start to Close HTTP Panel Server...
[0000000042]: HTTP Panel Server Closed...
[0000000043]: Start to Close System Management Server...
[0000000044]: System Management Server Closed...
[0000000045]: Start to Close HTTP APPS Server...
[0000000046]: HTTP APPS Server Closed...
[0000000047]: Start to Close HTTP Streaming Server...
[0000000048]: HTTP Streaming Server Closed...
[0000000049]: Release M3U List
[0000000050]: Check Channel [1] OFF
[0000000051]: Check Channel [2] OFF
[0000000052]: Check Channel [3] OFF
[0000000053]: 1. Start to Close Input Channels
[0000000054]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [1] thread closing
[0000000055]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [1] thread closed
[0000000056]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [2] thread closing
[0000000057]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [2] thread closed
[0000000058]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [3] thread closing
[0000000059]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess: CH [3] thread closed
[0000000060]: 2. Input Channels are Closed
[0000000061]: IPTV_Channel_ReaderProcess OUT
[0000000062]: Start to Close Channel Input Server...
[0000000063]: Channel Input Server Closed...
[0000000064]: Close User Log....
[0000000065]: piaEZserver_Uninit finished
[0000000066]: Close System Log at 2015/8/4 15:41:21
EZserver Message [00003]: Ezserver finished to shutdown

- - - Mise à jour - - -

quand j’exécute la commande ./auto_ezserver.sh
essaye ac cette commande ./ezserver ???
la meme chose , je pense que ce panel est plein de blem et bug !
l’erreur commence par

[0000000014]: System Message: There are [6] Protection Folders
[0000000015]: Warning: IP 2 Country File enabled
[0000000016]: Connecting: Error, Socket=7 errno[101]
[0000000017]: System Management Server Starting
[0000000018]: HTTP Web Player Server Starting
g_Network_interface eth0, MAC ID=[00x0xx3x0xx3], IP=[xx.xx3.xx6.x6]
[0000000019]: HTTP Server Starting
[0000000020]: Server Binding: Error, Socket No=9 errno=[98]
[0000000021]: EZserver Old Processes run on port [1935], please execute command <killall -9 ezserver>

- - - Mise à jour - - -

après avoir supprimer le fichier user_profile.xml j'ai pu entrer au panel mais j'ai remarquer une chose a chaque boutant il essaye de se connecter a l'adresse suivantes
connexion a
salut le panel fonctionne sauf qu il a a quelque beug
salut mamar , oui effectivement le panel fonctionne avec quelque bug mais mieux que rien
salut le serveur marche mais au bout de 1minute de streaming ça bloque puis sur putty j'ai ce message Session[13]: Username [test The no. of active players is [0]
quelqu'un à une solution merci
Username [test The no. of active players is [0]
quelqu'un à une solution merci