OSCAM - 039 CSAT HD Viaccess


Nouveau DZSatien

Voila l'état des lieux :D

J'ai une VU+ DUO avec une image VTi et une carte 039 CSAT Viaccess. Jusqu'a maintenant je suis sous l'hypercam 2.18 et tout fonctionne a merveille (chaines SD et HD).

Par esprit de curiosite, je me suis mis à mettre l'oscam 1.10-stable-5876 et la ... c'est le drame, enfin presque ! J'ai les chaines SD mais pas HD !
Après quelques lectures et modif de mes fichiers, je suis toujours au meme point, voici mes configs, si vous pouviez m'aider se serai bien sympa ! :)


# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-svn build #5630# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.conf.txt

disablelog            = 1
disableuserfile            = 1
#logfile            = /media/usb/oscam/oscam.log
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick, cf or hdd
#usrfile            = /media/usb/oscam/user.log
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
#cwlogdir            = /media/usb/oscam
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
#emmlogdir            = /media/usb/
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
usrfileflag            = 0
clienttimeout            = 5
fallbacktimeout            = 2500
serialreadertimeout        = 1500
clientmaxidle            = 120
dropdups            = 1
failbantimE            = 0
bindwait            = 120
nice                 = -1
maxlogsize            = 10
waitforcards            = 1
waitforcards_extra_delay    = 3000
preferlocalcards        = 1
saveinithistory         = 1
readerrestartseconds        = 5
lb_mode                = 1
lb_save                = 0
lb_nbest_readers        = 1
lb_nfb_readers            = 1
lb_reopen_mode             = 1
lb_reopen_seconds        = 6
lb_retrylimit            = 1600

port                 = 16500
monlevel            = 4
nocrypt                =,,,

httpport            = 16200
httpuser            = user
httppwd             = password
httprefresh            = 20
httpallowed            =,,,,,
httphideidleclients        = 0
httpreadonly            = 0

port                = 12000
version             = 2.2.1
reshare                = 3
reshare_mode             = 4
ignorereshare            = 0
minimizecards            = 0
keepconnected            = 1
nodeid                 = 0a0b0c0d0e0f1215

enabled                = 1
au                = 1
user                = dvbapiau
boxtype                = dreambox

#key                = 0102030405060708091011121314
#port                = 34003@0500:FFF400,042800,042810
#keepalive            = 1
#allowed            =,

#port                = 30000
#user                = radegastuser
#allowed            =,

#port                = 40000
#serverip            =
#key                = 01020304050607080910111213141516

#port                = 50000@0300:600000

#hostname            = host.example.com
#port                = 60000
#password            = mypassword


## dvbapi configuration
# types:
#    P - Priority
#        format:
#            P: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>]
#    I - Ignore
#        format:
#            I: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>]
#    M - Map
#        format:
#            M: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>] <target caid>:[<target provider>]
#    D - Delay
#        format:
#            D: <caid>:[<provider>]:[<srvid>]:[<ecmpid>] <delay (ms)>
#p: 0500:023800            # prioritize 0500 with provider 023800
#P: :::1BCD                # prioritize ecm stream with pid 1BCD on any channel
#P: 1722                # prioritize 1722
#P: 1830::EF75                # prioritize 1830 on channel EF75 only
#M: 1830        1830:003411    # map caid 1830 always to provider 003411
#D: 1702        200        # wait 200ms before writing cw on caid 1702
#I: :002000                # ignore provider 002000 on every channel
#I: 0                    # ignore every caid that was not handled before


# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #5630# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.server.txt

label = csat-via
enable = 1 
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
services = 
caid = 0500 
detect = cd 
ident = 0500:fff400,32830,32840
group = 1 
emmcache = 1,3,2 
ecmcache = 1 
lb_weight = 100 
unlockparental = 1 
#dropbadcws = 1 
AESKeys = 0500@032830:439XXXC43,A79XXXF26,EF3XXXBE3

label                         = lower
enable                        = 1
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci0
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 500
cardmhz                       = 500
caid                          = 
ident                         =
services                      = 
group                         = 1
emmcache                      = 1,3,15
lb_weight                     = 100
cccreshare                    = 3
audisabled                    = 0

# uncomment and enable this lines below only if devices are present 
label                         = upper
enable                        = 0
protocol                      = internal
device                        = /dev/sci1
detect                        = cd
mhz                           = 500
cardmhz                       = 500
caid                          = 
ident                         =
services                      = 
group                         = 2
emmcache                      = 1,3,15
lb_weight                     = 100
cccreshare                    = 3
audisabled                    = 0

#label                         = smartreader
#enable                        = 0
#protocol                      = mouse
# dreambox kernel does not support smartreader protocol so use mouse and set speed with ttyS0 tool
# for devices boxes with libusb1.0.6 or greater and kernel above 2.6.30 use smartreader
#device                        = /dev/ttyUSB0  
# for smartreader protocol use bus:device
#    bus:device    bus name and device name of the Smartreader+
#            (get the names with lsusb 'Bus' and 'Device')
#detect                        = cd
#mhz                           = 600 
# do not use with mouse do use with smartreader protocol
#cardmhz                       = 600 
# do not use with mouse do use with smartreader protocol
#caid                          = 
#ident                         =
#services                      = 
#group                         = 3
#emmcache                      = 1,3,15
#lb_weight                     = 100
#cccreshare                    = 3
#audisabled            = 0

# uncomment and adapt to your needs the readers below this line or ad extra ones.
#label                         = pcserverlocalnetwork
#enable                        = 1
#protocol                      = cccam
#device                        =,12000
#account                       = user
#password                      = pasword
#reconnecttimeout              = 1
#group                         = 5
#emmcache                      = 1,2,15
#lb_weight                     = 100
#cccversion                    = 2.2.1
#cccmaxhops                    = 5
#ccckeepalive                  = 1
#cccreshare                    = 3
#audisabled                    = 0

# on cccam it would be a c line like:
#C: 12000 user pasword no { 0:0:5 }

#label                 = remoteccampeer
#enable             = 1
#protocol            = cccam
#device             = cccam.example.cx,12925
#account            = user
#password            = password
#services            = !service1,!service2 
# (the ignored providers or channel see oscam.services)
#reconnecttimeout         = 2
#group                 = 12
#lb_weight            = 100
#cccmaxhops            = 5
#cccreshare            = 3
#ccckeepalive            = 1
#audisabled             = 1 
# the best is for NOT sending emm's to remote cccam peers
#cccversion            = 2.2.1

# on cccam it would have been a c line like :
# C: cccam.example.cx 12925 user password no { 0:0:5 }


# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-svn build #5630# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/browser/trunk/Distribution/doc/txt/oscam.user.txt

# is needed for au

user             = dvbapiau
pwd             =
disabled         = 0
group             = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 
# put all reader groups otherwise you not have ecm from the non included group.
uniq             = 3
monlevel         = 0
au             = 1

# for using mpcsmon

user             = usermonitor
pwd             = pasword
disabled         = 0
group             = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,19,20,21
uniq             = 1
sleep             = 0
monlevel        = 4

#user            = user2
#pwd             = pasword2
#disabled        = 0
#group            = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16
#uniq            = 3
#sleep            = 0
#monlevel        = 0
#service         = !service1,!service2 
#services defind in oscam.services if empty all services are allowed.
#cccmaxhops        = 5
#cccreshare        = 2 # note the difference with { 0:0:3 } from f line cccam . 
#cccignorereshare    = 0
#keepalive        = 1
#hostname        = cccam.example.cx

# f line in cccam would be like :
# F: user pasword2 5 0 0 { 0:0:3 } { } { } cccam.example.cx
# this users c line here server line in oscam.server has group 12 to avoid loop back I did not put group 12 in his user
# account f line. Normally it's not needed... However some svn versions can have segfault errors and jumps out due to that loopback.
# By doing this you will avoid that kind of problems.That's also the reason that i asign a different group to each reader.

Par avance, merci ;)
Dernière édition:

Tu et pas dans le bon poste,va dans la section oscam.
Bonne soirée