Fin du tps.bin

  • Auteur de la discussion alsaco
  • Date de début


mauvaise nouvelle ,fin du tps.bin :

du posteur du tps.bin :



Sorry, I'm not interesting at all into watching TV. For me, this hobby is just an intellectual game (like puzzles).

Understanding how things work is my own aim.

I must admit that I've made a big mistake: I've naively published the daily TPS.bin file until now. Letting people think that I MUST do it every day.

I think I'll add another rule for my own. Like the rule "Don't feed the troll", I should say : "Don't feed free-TV'ers. They might bite you one day".

I've been insulted, IP banned (funny - you can post pay-tv pirating tools, spams, viruses, and so on ... on upload centers, but not puzzles), harassed because I didn't post the file earlier in the day, ...

OK, enough is enough: I give up.

So, please go and find another "TPS.bin supplier"; to complain about him and to harass, if he doesn't act as you think he'd had to.

As I dislike complete negative posts, here are a few infos concerning the way to get these data.

There are 2 main methods.

First method (my own one):
One can analyze the daily Open-TV code and decrypt the needed data (i.e. keyset+algo3 functions), by full emulation or by program. This OTV code changes every day; furthermore one or several new internal functions (i.e. specific to the TPS firmware) are generally called each day, or each couple of days.

For instance, for today:
-a first 256 bytes key buffer is built (as usual with the recent OTV concerned decrypt function).
-a call is made to the internal function 000A (get data resource ?): with one fixed parameter, and an OTV-computed one.
-this function returns a pointer to the targeted data resource.
-use a part of these data (256 bytes too; the offset is also computed at the OTV level) to xor with the first 256 bytes key buffer.
-it gives you a final 256 bytes key buffer, corresponding to 16 RC6 keys.
-finally, decrypt the [keyset+algo3 functions] data, using these 16 RC6 keys.

Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it ? Not to me.

Second method:
Dump an official TPS receiver, to get the data in clear. It has already been done in the past, it's rather simple for any proficient person. I just can't figure why it hasn't been done this time.

In fact, there is a third method. It seems that the daily [keyset+algo3 functions] data are posted daily for cristor receivers (they are probably using the simple second method). So, you can also try to decrypt their encrypted data.
Oh la la!!! il a vraiment les boules le mec, il en a vraiment marre. :tongue:
c'est pas grave, depuis hier les fichiers v_tps.bin ont fait leur apparition (a utiliser avec le dernier Vplug) et ca marche 100%
Merci Por Le Tuyaux§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§
:delicious:NON les Amis......ce sujet avait déja fait le tour du Net......mais ce n'est qu'un Howax......le plus drôle dans cette histoire :laugh:c'est que ce n'est pas une seule personne qui fait extraire les BIN et puis alors, depuis déja l'apparition de cet Howax, les BIN continuaient à tomber plusieurs en un seul jour, et de plus de ça le DAT du Team K.Y.N.G ( jamais vu nul par ailleurs )....donc faut pas s'alarmer et continuer à profiter de vos fichiers journaliers qu'on vous donne sur le forum.

Bientôt sur ce forum vous aurez la ROM exploitable de la V9 et V10, laissez le temps au temps ( les orages passent mais ne font plus craindre )

Sur ce Bonne soirée.

@+++donjuan de LDDS:wink2: